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    • that over 60 world records in ski jumping and ski flying have been set in Planica? Ski jumpers in Planica were the first to break the magic 100-metre and 200-metre barriers.
    • that the Slovene Davo Karničar was the first man to ski down Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world? He was also the first man in the world to ski the highest peaks of all seven continents.
    • that the Slovene ultra-marathon swimmer Martin Strel was the first man to successfully swim the Amazon, the Mississippi and the Yangtze?
    • that for several years in a row Slovene school-leavers have won a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for dancing the largest synchronised quadrille in the world? This traditional school-leavers’ dance has been danced by over 26.700 school-leavers simultaneously on the streets of various towns around Slovenia.
    • that Slovenia has many interesting gastronomic festivals? These include the Saltworkers’ Festival, the Cabbage Festival, Chestnut Sunday and Bean Day.

Authors (from left to right): Davo Karničar, Mongrel Media, Aleš Fevžer, Aleš Fevžer, Urban Urbanc – Sportida d.o.o.